Midnight Asterisk is a registered Not For Profit Organization (in the state of Illinois) dedicated to performance art and artistic ventures under the core philosophy and basis of tolerance, understanding and artistic freedom without censorship or discrimination, be it by age, race, color, creed, gender, sex, or sexual orientation.
We administer, operate and oversee several performance casts and artistic organizations, including, but not limited to;
● Midnight Asterisk Productions
● Midnight Asterisk
● Midnight *
● Midnight Madness
● Midnight Radio
● Midnight Mystery
● Midnight at Mushnik's
● Dark midKnight
● The Chicagoland Rocky Horror Area Performers (CRHAP)
● We were also the managing operating organizational committee for The Un-Toucha-Touchables Unconventional Convention that took place in Chicago in July of 2006.
For more information or for any questions, please email us at info@midnightasteriskDOTorg
Our USPS Mailing address is
Midnight Asterisk NFP
P.O. Box 914
Itasca, IL 60143